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retroflt.h File Reference

Abstraction layer header for retro systems. More...

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <marge.h>
#include <retapid.h>
#include <uprintf.h>
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Data Structures

 Struct passed to retroflat_poll_input() to hold return data. More...
 Struct containing configuration values for a RetroFlat program. More...
 Global singleton containing state for the current platform. More...


 This macro defines all colors supported by RetroFlat for primative operations, particularly using retroflat_px().
#define RETROFLAT_OK   0x00
 Certain functions return this when there was no problem.
 Returned if there is a problem loading or locking a RETROFLAT_BITMAP struct.
 Flag for retroflat_rect() or retroflat_ellipse(), indicating drawn shape should be filled.
 Flag for retroflat_create_bitmap() to create a bitmap without transparency.
 Flag for retroflat_string() and retroflat_string_sz() to print text in all capital letters. Non-letters are unmodified.
 Flag for retroflat_load_bitmap() to not use assets path.
 Flag for retroflat_string() and retroflat_string_sz() to print text as outline-only.
 Flag for retroflat_create_bitmap() to create a WinG-backed bitmap.
 Flag for args->flags, indicating that a viewport tile refresh grid should be allocated and used.
 Flag indicating that retroflat_loop() should continue executing.
 Flag indicating FPS should not be capped.
 Flag indicating keyboard repeat is enabled.
 Flag indicating the current application is running as a screensaver.
 Only supported on some platforms: Attempt to scale screen by 2X.
 Do not execute any more inter-frame loops until next frame.
 This mask covers all possible icon/type flags.
 This icon/type flag indicates an error. It will try to display messages in an urgent way with a red icon, if possible.
 This icon/type flag indicates an informational notice. It will try to display messages in a definite way, with an i or speech bubble icon, if possible.
 This icon/type flag indicates a condition the user should be aware of. It will try to display messages in an urgent way with a yellow icon, if possible.
 Flag for RETROFLAT_STATE::vdp_flags indicating the VDP requires RetroFlat to pixel-lock the frame before passing it (almost always true!)
 Pass to retroflat_blit_bitmap() instance arg if this is not a sprite (i.e. if it is a background tile).
#define retroflat_instance_tile(instance)
#define RETROFLAT_BITMAP_EXT   "bmp"
 The filename suffix to be appended with a "." to filenames passed to retroflat_load_bitmap(). Is a RetroFlat Compiler Definitions.
#define RETROFLAT_TILE_W   16
#define RETROFLAT_TILE_H   16
#define RETROFLAT_TXP_R   0x00
 Compiler-define-overridable constant indicating the Red value of the transparency color on platforms that support it (mainly Win16/SDL). Is a RetroFlat Compiler Definitions.
#define RETROFLAT_TXP_G   0x00
 Compiler-define-overridable constant indicating the Green value of the transparency color on platforms that support it (mainly Win16/SDL). Is a RetroFlat Compiler Definitions.
#define RETROFLAT_TXP_B   0x00
 Compiler-define-overridable constant indicating the Blue value of the transparency color on platforms that support it (mainly Win16/SDL). Is a RetroFlat Compiler Definitions.
#define RETROFLAT_GL_Z   -0.001
#define retroflat_on_resize(w, h)
 Line drawing thickness (only works on some platforms). Is a RetroFlat Compiler Definitions.
#define RETROFLAT_PI   3.14159
#define RETROFLAT_FPS   30
 Target Frames Per Second.
#define retroflat_fps_next()
#define RETROFLAT_WINDOW_CLASS   "RetroFlatWindowClass"
 Unique window class to use on some platforms (e.g. Win32). Is a RetroFlat Compiler Definitions.
 Unique ID for the timer that execute frame draws in Win16/Win32. Is a RetroFlat Compiler Definitions.
 Unique ID for the timer that execute loop ticks in Win16/Win32. Is a RetroFlat Compiler Definitions.
#define RETROFLAT_MSG_MAX   4096
 Maximum number of characters possible in a message using retroflat_message(). Is a RetroFlat Compiler Definitions.
#define RETROFLAT_PATH_SEP   '/'
 The valid path separator on the target platform.
 Maximum size of the assets path, to allow room for appending.
#define retroflat_wait_for_frame()
#define retroflat_is_waiting_for_frame()
#define retroflat_cmp_asset_path(a, b)
 Compare two asset paths. Return 0 if they're the same.
#define retroflat_buffer_bksp(buffer, buffer_cur, buffer_sz)
 Remove a character from a text buffer before cursor position.
#define retroflat_buffer_insert(c, buffer, buffer_cur, buffer_sz, buffer_mx)
 Insert a character into a text buffer at cursor position.
#define retroflat_dir8_reverse(dir)
#define retroflat_dir8_bounce(dir)
#define RETROSND_FLAG_INIT   0x01
 Flag in RETROSND_STATE::flags indicating initialization was successful.
 Parameter for retrosnd_midi_set_voice() indicating a gunshot sound effect.
#define retroflat_viewport_world_x()
 Return the current viewport X position in the world in pixels.
#define retroflat_viewport_world_y()
 Return the current viewport Y position in the world in pixels.
#define retroflat_viewport_world_w()
 Return the current width of the world in pixels.
#define retroflat_viewport_world_h()
 Return the current height of the world in pixels.
#define retroflat_viewport_screen_tile_w()
#define retroflat_viewport_screen_tile_h()
#define retroflat_viewport_set_world(w, h)
 Set the pixel width and height of the world so the viewport knows how far it may scroll.
#define retroflat_viewport_set_world_pos(x, y)
#define retroflat_viewport_lock_refresh()
#define retroflat_viewport_unlock_refresh()
#define retroflat_viewport_set_refresh(x, y, tid)
#define retroflat_viewport_focus(x1, y1, range, speed)
 Move the viewport in a direction or combination thereof so that it's focusing the given x1/y1 within the given range.
#define retroflat_viewport_screen_x(world_x)
 Return the screenspace X coordinate at which something at the given world coordinate should be drawn.
#define retroflat_viewport_screen_y(world_y)
 Return the screenspace Y coordinate at which something at the given world coordinate should be drawn.
#define retroflat_viewport_move_x(x)
#define retroflat_viewport_move_y(y)
#define retroflat_constrain_px(x, y, bmp, retact)
 Ensure x and y (which must be unsigned!) are inside image boundaries.
#define RETROFLAT_COLOR_TABLE_CONSTS(idx, name_l, name_u, r, g, b, cgac, cgad)


typedef int8_t RETROFLAT_COLOR
 Defines an index in the platform-specific color-table.
typedef MERROR_RETVAL(* retroflat_vdp_proc_t) (struct RETROFLAT_STATE *)
 VDP function called from the VDP library.
typedef MERROR_RETVAL(* retroflat_proc_resize_t) (uint16_t new_w, uint16_t new_h, void *data)
typedef char retroflat_asset_path[RETROFLAT_PATH_MAX]
 Path/name used to load an asset from disk.
typedef void(* retroflat_loop_iter) (void *data)
 Prototype for the main loop function passed to retroflat_loop().
typedef maug_ms_t retroflat_ms_t
typedef int16_t retroflat_tile_t


MERROR_RETVAL retrosnd_init (struct RETROFLAT_ARGS *args)
 Initialize retrosnd engine.
void retrosnd_set_sf_bank (const char *filename_in)
 Set the name of the voice bank filename to use.
void retrosnd_midi_set_voice (uint8_t channel, uint8_t voice)
void retrosnd_midi_set_control (uint8_t channel, uint8_t key, uint8_t val)
void retrosnd_midi_note_on (uint8_t channel, uint8_t pitch, uint8_t vel)
void retrosnd_midi_note_off (uint8_t channel, uint8_t pitch, uint8_t vel)
MERROR_RETVAL retrosnd_midi_play_smf (const char *filename)
uint8_t retrosnd_midi_is_playing_smf ()
void retrosnd_shutdown ()
MERROR_RETVAL retroflat_loop (retroflat_loop_iter frame_iter, retroflat_loop_iter loop_iter, void *data)
 This should be called once in the main body of the program in order to enter the main loop. The main loop will continuously call loop_iter with data as an argument until retroflat_quit() is called.
void retroflat_message (uint8_t flags, const char *title, const char *format,...)
 Display a message in a dialog box and/or on stderr.
MERROR_RETVAL retroflat_init (int argc, char *argv[], struct RETROFLAT_ARGS *args)
 Initialize RetroFlat and its underlying layers. This should be called once at the beginning of the program and should quit if the return value indicates any failures.
void retroflat_shutdown (int retval)
 Deinitialize RetroFlat and its underlying layers. This should be called once at the end of the program, after retroflat_loop().
MERROR_RETVAL retroflat_vdp_call (const char *proc_name)
 Call a function from the retroflat VDP.
void retroflat_set_title (const char *format,...)
retroflat_ms_t retroflat_get_ms ()
uint32_t retroflat_get_rand ()
char retroflat_vk_to_ascii (RETROFLAT_IN_KEY k, uint8_t flags)
MERROR_RETVAL retroflat_load_bitmap (const char *filename, struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *bmp_out, uint8_t flags)
 Load a bitmap into the given RETROFLAT_BITMAP structure if it is available. Bitmaps are subject to the limitations enumerated in RetroFlat Bitmap API.
MERROR_RETVAL retroflat_create_bitmap (size_t w, size_t h, struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *bmp_out, uint8_t flags)
void retroflat_destroy_bitmap (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *bitmap)
 Unload a bitmap from a RETROFLAT_BITMAP struct. The struct, itself, is not freed (in case it is on the stack).
MERROR_RETVAL retroflat_blit_bitmap (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *target, struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *src, size_t s_x, size_t s_y, int16_t d_x, int16_t d_y, size_t w, size_t h, int16_t instance)
 Blit the contents of a RETROFLAT_BITMAP onto another RETROFLAT_BITMAP.
MERROR_RETVAL retroflat_draw_lock (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *bmp)
 Lock a bitmap for drawing. This will be done automatically if necessary and not called explicitly, but performance should improve if done before a batch of drawing operations.
MERROR_RETVAL retroflat_draw_release (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *bmp)
void retroflat_px (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *target, const RETROFLAT_COLOR color, size_t x, size_t y, uint8_t flags)
void retroflat_rect (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *target, const RETROFLAT_COLOR color, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint8_t flags)
 Draw a rectangle onto the target RETROFLAT_BITMAP.
void retroflat_ellipse (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *target, const RETROFLAT_COLOR color, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint8_t flags)
 Draw an ellipse onto the target RETROFLAT_BITMAP.
void retroflat_line (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *target, const RETROFLAT_COLOR color, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint8_t flags)
 Draw a straight line onto the target RETROFLAT_BITMAP.
void retroflat_cursor (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *target, uint8_t flags)
void retroflat_string_sz (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *target, const char *str, size_t str_sz, const char *font_str, size_t *w_out, size_t *h_out, uint8_t flags)
 Get the size in pixels of a text string when drawn with a given font by retroflat_string().
void retroflat_string (struct RETROFLAT_BITMAP *target, const RETROFLAT_COLOR color, const char *str, int str_sz, const char *font_str, int16_t x_orig, int16_t y_orig, uint8_t flags)
 Draw a text string at the specified location in the specified font and color on the target RETROFLAT_BITMAP.
void retroflat_get_palette (uint8_t idx, uint32_t *rgb)
MERROR_RETVAL retroflat_set_palette (uint8_t idx, uint32_t rgb)
void retroflat_set_proc_resize (retroflat_proc_resize_t on_resize_in, void *data_in)
 Set the procedure to call when the window is resized (on platforms that support resizing).
void retroflat_resize_v ()
 Platform-specific function to resize virtual screen to match physical window size.
RETROFLAT_IN_KEY retroflat_poll_input (struct RETROFLAT_INPUT *input)
 Poll input devices (keyboard/mouse) and return the latest event.


MAUG_CONST int16_t SEG_MCONST gc_retroflat_offsets8_x [8]
MAUG_CONST int16_t SEG_MCONST gc_retroflat_offsets8_y [8]
MAUG_CONST int16_t SEG_MCONST gc_retroflat_offsets4_x [4]
MAUG_CONST int16_t SEG_MCONST gc_retroflat_offsets4_y [4]
MAUG_CONST char *SEG_MCONST gc_retroflat_color_names []
struct RETROFLAT_STATEg_retroflat_state

Detailed Description

Abstraction layer header for retro systems.

RetroFlat is a compatibility layer for making graphical programs that work on Win16 (32-bit via OpenWatcom's Win386), MS-DOS (32-bit via DOS/32a or DOS4GW via Allegro), and possibly other platforms in the future.

To use, define RETROFLT_C before including this header from your main.c.

You may include this header in other .c files, as well, but RETROFLT_C should ONLY be declared ONCE in the entire program.

maug.h should also be included before this header.